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Do You Own A Basement? Cool Conversion Ideas

Does your house have a basement? Most property owners use this space to store fuse boxes, water heaters, air conditioners, and furnaces, among other items. If you have such a floor or room and use it for similar purposes, there's some good news: you can do much more with it. For instance, you can turn your home's basement into any of the following:

1.  Game room

Do you love video games, pool, bowling, or ping-pong? You should know that enjoying any of these at home is possible—all you need is a game room. But that doesn't mean you have to start building an extension or extra room. You can convert your basement into a cool recreation room. Doing that involves decorating the available space with a cool theme, adding some theatre magic, color lighting, and getting the appropriate multipurpose furniture. Once you have set up, you can now revel in your favorite game with friends or family at the comfort of your home.

2.  Wine cellar

If you are a wine enthusiast, consider building a cellar in your basement. The process is quite simple, especially if you are a skilled constructor. First, check the room for leaks. Install a vapor barrier to protect the basement insulation's warm and cold sides if there are no signs of leaking. After that, seal the floor using a material that's neither too porous nor permeable, such as concrete. Then fur the walls and install cellar doors. Finally, get a wine cellar cooling system and put the last touches on the storage space. If this sounds too complicated or your skills are wanting, hire a wine cellar builder to help you out.

3.  Home bar

Worried about spending too much money in bars? If you are, why don't you use a home bar instead? Besides, having a bar in your house saves you from the inconvenience of making liquor runs too frequently for unexpected guests. Better yet, you can enjoy all these by simply turning your basement into a home bar. Doing that puts a private, well-insulated space filled with all your favorite beverages at your disposal.

Get a Legal Basement Permit           

Besides the outstanding basement uses listed above, you can turn your home's basement into many other things, including a den, media, room, and garage. But before doing that, find out if local authorities require you to get a legal basement permit first. If it's a prerequisite, apply for it to avoid penalization. Besides, if you plan to sell your building, a legal basement permit will show buyers that the basement is safely constructed and legit. Contact a local permit company like RDA Designs to find out if you're eligible for a permit today.